“For the hunters for God’s presence in every part of their lives”
God made the night and He called it good. Yet the experience of a good night has strayed far from what God intended. Sleep problems, anxiety and nightmares, 1/4 Dutch people struggle with this. In addition, there is still a lot of confusion about dreams and dream interpretation, while it is a powerful gift from God, given for a purpose! God wants to return the night to His original plan so His children will hear His voice, know His will and live in it. The Bible says that dreams are a sign of revival. Therefore, the time is now for us to learn and receive what God will give His beloved in the night.
Propelled by God’s passion and love for God’s original plan, Dite wrote this book as a practical guide for every believer. Whether you sleep well or not yet, whether you dream a lot or long for it. Whether you are professional and creative or businesslike and down to earth. This book is aimed at awakening every kind of God, young and old, to God’s plan for the night. To equip you to really receive this and to encourage you to share what God gives in the night.