I hear the sound of an army
An army running together
Side by side
Gathered as one
They are taking in streets, cities and nations
They are taking in the media, art and music
They are taking in the politics, the schools, the business
Every foot and every step is leaving light and life, light and life, light and life.
Gold is bursting from their chest
and they multiply everyday
Waves of water are surrounding them
and the lion of Judah roars
as He goes before them.
They come with shouts of justice
They are NOT holding back
and they can NOT be overcome
I see them running and while they are running side by side I see them gazing up, gazing up to the heavens, gazing to the throne room,
gazing up into the eyes of the One who is Justice
They gaze and receive peace, grace and love
They gaze up and receive courage, bravery and power
They gaze up and receive authority, a voice, a shout
They gaze up and there hearts are NOT troubled
They are in peace with the Peacemaker
They are not in bondage
They are freed by the Son
They are not burned out
They are filled with the fire of God
They are not stressed
They are blessed by the Almighty
They are not alone
They are one with the Father
They run in the company of angel armies
And they carry blueprints in their hands,
oil on their heads and the mantle of victory
on their shoulders
Their lamps will not stop shining
Their jars will not run dry
Their voice will not shut down
They will not fall nor break
They will not be shaking nor lacking
and they will NOT hold back
Gather! all who have faith, gather, gather
Run! children of the Most High, run, run
Shout! sons and daughters, shout shout
Gaze! lovers of my Son, gaze gaze
Als helden rennen zij, als strijdbare mannen klimmen zij tegen de muren op; ieder gaat op zijn eigen weg en zij wijken niet van hun paden af. Zij verdringen elkaar niet, ieder gaat zijn eigen weg. Al stuiten zij op weerstand, zij zijn niet tegen te houden.
Joel 2:7